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Photo: Criminal record

Criminal Record Extract

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tel Aviv, in accordance with par. 31(3) a of the Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Territory of the Czech Republic hereby requests that all applicants for a long term visa or residence permit, who will submit their applications at the Embassy in Tel Aviv submit Criminal History Background check issued by the State of Israel as well as Criminal History Background check from a country where they lived for 6 months or longer in the previous 3 years or an affidavit in case that country does not issue any such document.

You have to submit an application to the Israel Police first. Under the Israeli law, the certificate is not given to the applicant but rather transferred to the official entity (in this case to the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tel Aviv). You must collect the certificate from our Embassy and get an Apostille on it issued by the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel in Jerusalem .

If you have lived in any other country outside Israel for 6 months or longer in the previous 3 years, you are required to submit the Criminal History Background issued by that respective country as well.

Non-Israeli citizens: Need to submit a Criminal History Background from the country of your nationality. If you have lived in any other country outside Israel for 6 months or longer in the previous 3 years, you are required to submit the Criminal History Background issued by that respective country as well.

Please contact our Embassy by email telaviv.consulate@mzv.gov.cz about your application for criminal record at least two weeks after request at the police authority.  


Criminal records (XLS, 26 KB)