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Visa Decision

Schengen visas

Decisions on Schengen visas are taken by the consulate within 15 calendar days since the lodging of an application.

In practice, most of the applications are decided within 2 - 5 days.

The review period can be extended in individual specific cases to 45 calendar days, when further examination is needed in cases of consultations, need of additional supporting documents etc.

The review period can vary (be shorter) based on facilitation agreements.


Long Term Visas and Residency Permits

Decisions on long-term visas and residency permits are taken by the Ministry of the Interior within the legal period based on the visa type and purpose of stay.

Information about the application status can be obtained via the Ministry of the Interior website, alternatively by contacting the Ministry of the Interior.


Registering of Entry and Residence

A foreigner older than 15 years is required within three working days from the arrival in the Czech Republic to report to the Foreign Police Inspectorate the place of residence. Hotels fulfills this requirement for hotel guests.