Appointment system for long term visa / residence permit applications
29.11.2017 / 10:00 | Aktualizováno: 19.04.2024 / 12:43
Applicants, residing in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu or Anhui who would like to apply for a long-term visa or long-term residency permit, are required to send an e-mail to and request an appointment.
These registration rules are for all other types visas or permits, except for Employee Card applications (which have a different booking system, described in detail in the article: New rules of registration for Employee Card applications).
E-mail requests for the appointment date are placed to the one of two never ending queues. One queue is maintained for long-term visa, the other for long-term residence permits. Requests are placed according delivery time to the email box.
The Consular Section is not authorised in any way to interfere, change the position or influence the position of the applicant´s registration. In case of the request for the change of the application date or the type of visa, the Consular Section cannot reply. If the applicant is not able to attend the Consular Section in the already reserved date, s/he is required to send new regular request.
equirements for email requests:
- One applicant = one e-mail. There is an exception for minors whose application will be lodged with application of parent or legal guardian. In this case, parent or legal guardian, informs on intention of such action on his or her email request.
- It has to be written in English or Czech language and has to contain the following obligatory data (e-mail request without obligatory data will be cancelled and no further proceedings will be made and will not be answered).
- Registration e-mails that cannot be replied to will be excluded from registration.
Personal Data: |
Scan or photographs of following documents in PDF, JPG or TIF: |
Without these information and attachments your email will not be processed further and your appointment will not be completed!
Applicants with a valid appointment for long-term visa and long-term residency permit will be able to apply in person on appointed date and time at the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai.
When you receive the email confirmation of your appointment please print it and bring it with you.
Capacity of our Visa Section is 10 appointments per week (from which 7 are designed for long-term residence permit and 3 for long-term visa) and 40 appointments per months.
We highly recommend sending your email request for an appointment at the moment when all necessary documents of your application are completed and can be processed by the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai.