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New rules of registration for Employee Card applications

Starting from 29th April 2024, applicants who would like to apply for an Employee Card in the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai, have to make an appointment using a new booking system.

The e-mail address of the booking system is Shanghai.Employment@mzv.gov.cz
预约系统的邮箱为 Shanghai.Employment@mzv.gov.cz

The current appointment registration system, i.e. submitting via the e-mail box Shanghai.Visa@mzv.gov.cz, has been terminated with immediate effect.
目前的预约登记系统,即通过电子邮件信箱Shanghai.Visa@mzv.gov.cz 的预约方式,即日起终止。

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These new registration rules only apply to employee card applications. The appointment registration system for all other types of visas (i.e. e-mail box Shanghai.Visa@mzv.gov.cz) remains valid and details can be found here.


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The booking system for appointments in May and June 2025 will open on Monday, 3rd March 2025 at 16:00 Chinese time (09:00 Czech time). The booking system will be open for 6 hours. We recommend sending registration e-mails in the first hours of registration, not at the end. E-mail messages received within the specified period will be drawn in the inbox and their chronological order will be replaced by a random order.

2025年5月及6月的预约系统将于中国时间 2025 年 03月 03日星期一 16:00(捷克时间 09:00)开放。预订系统开放时间为 6 小时。我们建议在开放前几个小时发送注册电子邮件,而不是在接近结束时发送。在规定时间内收到的注册电子邮件将在收件箱中由系统随机抽取。

There are 30 appointment slots scheduled for the above mentioned period.

上述时段共安排了 30 个预约时段。

All e-mails sent before opening or after the closure of the booking system or sent to other consular and visa e-mails will be disregarded.


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The following rules must be observed for a successful registration.


E-mail request has to be written in English or Czech language and contain these obligatory data:


  • In the SUBJECT/THEME LINE of the e-mail, there must be only the applicant’s PASSPORT NUMBER (if applicable, the letters of the passport number have to be CAPITAL LETTERS). E-mails, which will not have a passport number in the subject/theme line, will not be considered as valid and will not be answered and processed. Those applicants, who will send more than one e-mail, will be excluded. 必须且只有护照号码(护照号码大写)。邮件主题未按照此要求填写将不会进行回复及处理。请申请人务必不要发送多封邮件,否则会被排除。
  • Each applicant is allowed to send ONLY ONE (1) e-mail (i.e. passport number must appear only once in the mailbox). 每个申请人请发送有且只有一封邮件(例如护照号只能在收件箱中出现一次)。
  • The e-mail must contain the following identification information about the applicant (attachment in PDF or JPG max. 10 MB; attachments that require download or are stored on cloud will not be accepted and the registration e-mail will be discarded): 电子邮件必须包含申请人的以下身份信息(附件为PDF文件或JPG文件,最大不超过10M;附件为云存储文件将被忽略):
  1. Given name and surname 拼音名姓
  2. Date of birth 出生日期
  3. Passport number 护照号码
  4. Purpose of travel (e.g. Employee Card) 出行目的(例如:工作卡)
  5. E-mail address (please note that if the option to reply is disabled by sender, the e-mail with an appointment request will be automatically discarded!) 邮箱地址(请注意,如果申请人设置了禁止回复选项,则带有预约请求的邮件将被自动忽略
  6. Attachment: scan of the passport data page 附件:护照首页扫描件
  7. Attachment: scan of the Chinese visa if the applicant is from a third country. Only those applicants, who have been lawfully and continuously residing in China for at least two years, could apply. 中国签证页扫描件,若申请人为第三方国家。申请人需在中国合法居住两年以上才可申请
  8. Attachment: scan of the document proving the purpose of stay (complete and signed employment contract; full decision of Labour Office if applicable) 证明出行目的文件扫描件(例如:签署的完整工作合同,劳工局的决定(如适用))

Without these information and attachments, your e-mail will be discarded. 如没有以上信息及附件,您的邮件将被忽略

E-mail requests for appointments are sorted to one unlimited line by the date/hour/minute/second of delivery to the booking system and in this order the appointments are scheduled. The Consular Section of the Consulate General is not authorized to interfere in any way. Scheduled appointments are fixed, they cannot be changed by the applicant nor the Consulate.


If the applicant cannot appear at the Consular and Visa Section of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai on a scheduled date to submit his/her application, he/she has to register through the booking system for a new appointment. Appointments already confirmed by the booking system, cannot be postponed or changed in any way and cannot be transferred to another person.


Only those applicants, who receive information confirming valid acceptance and within a week from the registration will receive from the booking system exact date and time of their appointment (i.e. valid appointment holders) will be allowed to apply in person.


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Slots distribution of Employee Card applications: 工作卡申请时段:

Tuesday: 5 appointments   周二:5个预约名额

Thursday: 5 appointments   周四:5个预约名额