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INVITATION: The civil society perspective: Taking stocks of achievements and looking beyond 2020


The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU cordially invite you to an event entitled "The civil society perspective: Taking stocks of achievements and looking beyond 2020 –… more ►

„Invasion Prague 68“ by Josef Koudelka premiering in Brussels


The Belgian premiere of Josef Koudelka’s exhibition “Invasion Prague 68” will take place in the Botanique gallery on June 14, 2018. The exhibition is part of “Summer of Photography” biennial and will be inaugurated… more ►

Join us for a presentation of the Czech Perspective on Future of Cohesion Policy after 2020


Date: 25 January 2018  Venue: Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU Rue Caroly 15, 1050 Bruxelles

Since its accession to the EU in 2004, the Czech Republic has significantly profited from Cohesion Policy. Its current economic growth, the lowest level of unemployment in the EU or the state of the… more ►

Join us for the presentation of the Czech Perspective on Territorial Dimension of Cohesion Policy and European Territorial Cooperation after 2020


Date: 25 January 2018  Venue: Committee of the Regions Rue Belliard 99 - 101, Bruxelles Room JDE-51

In September 2017, the Czech Republic adopted its first outline on the future of Cohesion Policy and its European Structural and Investment Funds after 2020. In its position it places, among others, strong… more ►

10th edition of the Czech Street Party!


Date: 16 June 2017  Venue: Rue Caroly, Brussels

Anniversary 10th edition of the Czech Street Party, which is the biggest open air event of the Czech Republic within Brussels, will be held on Friday 16th June 2017 from 5PM! This year the visitors can… more ►

The Art of Collaboration – Festival One World in Brussels


Date: 24 April 2017 - 04 May 2017  Venue: Brussels/Belgium

One World, International Documentary Film Festival on Human Rights, will take place in Brussels from April 24th till May 4th, where 16 movies chosen from Prague One World festival will be screened for the… more ►

Free flow of data as the fifth freedom of the EU


The Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the European Union hosted the seminar „Data Flows: Heartbeat of the Digital Single Market” on Tuesday, 28th March. The expert panel was composed of representatives of business… more ►