Join us for the presentation of the Czech Perspective on Territorial Dimension of Cohesion Policy and European Territorial Cooperation after 2020
20.12.2017 / 15:37
In September 2017, the Czech Republic adopted its first outline on the future of Cohesion Policy and its European Structural and Investment Funds after 2020. In its position it places, among others, strong emphasis on territorial aspects of Cohesion Policy. ESI Funds bring many opportunities for reflecting on various territorial challenges – be it through integrated territorial instruments, community-led local development or through ETC and its INTERREG programmes with their various forms of cross border, transnational and international cooperation. We would like to discuss this dimension of Cohesion Policy in more details in the context of preparation for the future shape of the ESI Funds and the Multiannual Financial Framework.
Our key conviction is that ESI Funds have a strong European Added Value in its reach to various types of territories. Cohesion among the regions across the EU still needs to improve, as thoroughly analyzed in the 7th Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion. Specific needs of the settlements, be them large cities, medium sized towns or rural areas, should be reflected in the future EU policies in order to provide the citizens with opportunities in places where they live. The integration of the regions has to be reinforced in the context of cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation. For this purpose specific experience of the Czech bodies implementing territorial dimension of ESI Funds and INTERREG programmes, both in the current and previous programming periods, will be presented.
Opening Statements:
Petr Osvald, Chairman of COTER Commission of the Committee of the Regions
Olga Letáčková, Deputy Minister for Regional Development of the Czech Republic
Strategic approach to future INTERREG programmes based on Czech experience
Martin Buršík, Deputy Director, ETC Czech Republic
Post-2020 Regional Policy in the Czech Republic as a stepping stone to future territorial dimension of ESI Funds
David Koppitz, Acting Deputy Minister for Regional Development in charge of regional policy
Petr Šašinka, Head of Management of the City of Brno ITI and Metropolitan Cooperation
Closing remarks:
Jean-Pierre Halkin, Head of Unit, Macro-regions, Transnational & Interregional Cooperation, DG REGIO
Carole Mancel Blanchard, Deputy Head of Unit Inclusive Growth, Urban and territorial development
Working language: English
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