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A celebration of the 30th anniversary of freedom and democracy


On the occasion of the upcoming anniversary of the events which took place in the Central Europe in 1989, the Representative Office of the Czech Republic, in cooperation with the Representative Office of Slovakia and the Representative Office of… more ►

Concert at the Edward Said Conservatory


On 22nd October 2019, a concert was held in Ramallah at the Edward Said Conservatory. The concert was performed by the young Czech pianist, Ondřej Zavadil, who played compositions by Beethoven, Liszt, and Scriabin and also one of his own for the… more ►

Czech Development Project Supports Disabled Children and Youth


A small scale project implemented in Ramallah provides opportunities for employment for disabled youth. more ►

Potential cooperation between the Czech and Palestinian academic institutions


Representatives of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Palestinian Academy of Sciences and Technology met to discuss possible collaboration in specific areas. more ►

Czech experts provided technical assistance in Palestine in the TAIEX framework


A mission to Palestine of two Czech experts in the field of construction took place within the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX) of the European Commission. more ►

Meeting with the Palestinian Minister of Health


The Deputy Head of the Representative Office of the Czech Republic, Mr. Pavel Bobek, met with Dr. Mai Alkaila, the Minister of Health of Palestine to discuss opportunities for bilateral cooperation in the health sector. more ►

Czech Presidency of the Visegrad Group


The Czech Republic holds the Presidency of the Visegrad Group (V4) from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020. more ►

Foreign Minister Tomáš Petříček received his Palestinian counterpart, Foreign Minister Riyadh Malki in the Czernin Palace


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Tomáš Petříček, met with his Palestinian counterpart, Foreign Minister Riyadh Malki, at the Czernin Palace in Prague on 8th July 2019. more ►

A concert of classical music by a young pianist from Prague


A piano concert of classical music by Filip Martinka from Prague took place on 18 June at the Austrian Hospice in Jerusalem. more ►

Palestinian Student receives an Award in the International Fine Arts Exhibition Lidice


Fifteen-year old student of the Visual Arts Forum in Ramallah, Khalil Karmel, receives an award for his painting on glass. more ►