The Czech Republic will support the Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem


The Head of the Representative Office Jakub Šlosárek and the Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta in Palestine, Michele Bowe, signed a contract on 12 June 2024 to make a so-called tied donation for the Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem,… 

Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic on the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine


Two years ago, Vladimir Putin launched a massive neo-colonial war against Ukraine, however, Russia's aggression has been going on for 10 years - since 2014, when its army annexed Crimea and sparked the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine. Russia's… 

Orange the World - 16 days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence


November 25 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The Representative Office of the Czech Republic in Ramallah is proud to join the UN campaign “Orange the World – 16 days of activism against… 

In Honour of the Memory of the Late Karel Schwarzenberg


It is with deep sorrow and respect that we honour the memory of the late Karel Schwarzenberg, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chancellor of Václav Havel. His legacy and courage of conviction remains with us all. Condolences may be signed…