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Invitation to the CzechAccelerator Launch Party


Date: 04 September 2019  Venue: Embassy of the Czech Republic 26–30 Kensington Palace Gardens W8 4QY

Join us for the launch party of CzechAccelerator at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in London and share your experiences and skills with other people from startup community or find an investment… more ►

Investing in Innovation in Central Europe (3rd Investment Forum)


Date: 12 June 2019  Venue: Mayer Brown International LLP, 201 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AF

CzechInvest in cooperation with the Embassy of the Czech Republic in London and other Central and Eastern European countries invite you to the 3rd Central European Investment Forum in London. The main… more ►

The Largest Presentation of Moravian Wines in Britain

Czech Wine Day

On 21 May 2019, within the framework of the Czech Wine Day economic diplomacy project, fifteen Moravian wineries presented dozens of their unique wines at a tasting for British buyers, sommeliers and experts. Consumption of wine in the UK has… more ►

Delicious Czech Honey present at World Bee Day in London


Date: 21 May 2019  Venue: Conway Hall 25 Red Lion Square London WC1R 4RL

The World Bee Day in London will present honey and bee products from 30 world countries. The Czech Beekepers Association will introduce 25 Delicious Samples from the Czech Valleys, Fields and Woods and… more ►

Business Breakfast in London 2019 - Doing business in the Czech Republic


Date: 14 May 2019  Venue: Embassy of the Czech Republic, 26 Kensington Palace Gardens, London W8 4QY

CzechInvest and Embassy of the Czech Republic in London invite you to Business Breakfast - Doing business in the Czech Republic. The event will be focusing on current opportunities and business environment… more ►