Invitation to participate in the 49th international children’s exhibition of fine art lidice 2021
26.11.2020 / 11:40 | Aktualizováno: 26.11.2020 / 12:35
The 49th International Children's Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice features the following theme: ROBOT AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Closing date for the registration and the last acceptable date on the postmark on the consignment of entries is on 19 February 2021.
A hundred years ago, in his drama R.U.R., the Czech writer Karel Čapek used the word 'robot' for the first time. Thinking about how to call artificial workers, he sought advice with his brother, the painter Josef Čapek. "Call them Robots," murmured Josef Čapek over his brush. So, the Slavic word for forced labour, "robota", became the basis for the word known all over the world.
It would be interesting to see what Karel Čapek would write today when various appliances are much more present in our life, residing on our desks and in our pockets. In the meantime, robots assumed many different forms; they are helping at home, in production processes as well as in medicine and the question arises whether they do not lead us into blind alleys in some aspects. A recommendation concerning ethical principles of artificial intelligence will be one of the topics of the UNESCO General Conference in 2021.
More information, including the conditions of entry into the competition, are accesible at the Lidice Memorial official web page and in the document attached below.