Invitation to film screening: 'The Balad of Piargy"
09.10.2023 / 19:01 | Aktualizováno: 09.10.2023 / 19:05
The Embassy of the Czech Republic, the Embassy of the Slovak Republic, and the Czech Centre would like to invite you to the screening of the film The Ballad of Piargy on 13 October 2023 at 6 pm at the Czech Embassy Cinema.
Fri 13 Oct 2023 18:00
Cinema of the Czech Embassy London
26 Kensington Palace Gardens, W84QY, London
The event is organised on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of establishment of Slovak and Czech Republic.
The screening will be inaugurated by the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic Róbert Ondrejcsák and the Deputy Ambassador of the Czech Republic Michal Strouhal.
You can register and more information here.