Student Facilitation
02.01.2024 / 15:45 | Aktualizováno: 03.01.2024 / 18:02
The STUDENT FACILITATION PROGRAM (“REŽIM STUDENT”) facilitates visa / residency permit application submission for students from certain countries admitted to Czech universities.
Students from the following countries can participate:
Student Facilitation 2024 (XLSX, 11 KB)
Participating universities listed HERE (bottom of the page).
Students are included in the program by the university.
Further information:
DETAILED AND UPDATED INFORMATION ABOUT THE STUDENT FACILITATION PROGRAM is available on the webpage of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, which is the guarantor of the program.
Forms for students and schools interested in participating in the program can be accessed on that webpage, including filled-out samples.
Text of the STUDENT FACILITATION PROGRAM as approved by the government (in Czech): Režim Student: text in Czech (DOCX, 36 KB)
Procedure for inclusion of universities and prospective students (in Czech): Postupy zařazování vysokých škol a uchazečů o studium (PDF, 198 KB)