Employee Card
04.12.2024 / 06:29 | Aktualizováno: 25.02.2025 / 06:20
Registration to apply for an employee card for May and June 2025
Registration for employee cards is possible only at the e-mail address istanbul.employment@mzv.gov.cz. Applications for other types of residence permits, including blue cards (NOT applications for long-stay visa for the purpose of seasonal employment), should be sent to the email: istanbul.visa@mzv.gov.cz
Applications for employee cards can only be submitted via the e-mail address istanbul.employment@mzv.gov.cz. Registration for an employee card sent to another email address will not be accepted.
The possibility to register for May and June 2025 is on April 14, 2025, from 9:00 to 15:00 (local Turkish time).
Submission dates for valid applications will be determined subsequently within 7 days (the dates will be approximately in the range of 3-7 weeks from the date of registration) with notification by email.
The quota for this part of the registration is 34 applications (17 in May and 17 in June).
1. Send your appointment request to submit an employee card application only on the date and at the hour given above to: istanbul.employment@mzv.gov.cz.*
2. State the following in the e-mail subject: passport number.
3. State the following in the e-mail text: full name (as it appears in the passport), date of birth, passport number, telephone number and e-mail address.
4. Attach scans of the following documents (in .jpg or .pdf format) to your e-mail: work contract, passport data page, document regarding the place of residence (permanent residence) and other addresses within the consular district of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Istanbul (Yerleşim yeri (ikametgah) in adas adres belgesi) and residence permit proving that you are staying in Türkiye for at least last 2 years (holders of travel document not issued by Türkiye).
5. 1 applicant = 1 e-mail. Send one e-mail only. Each e-mail can contain only one appointment request.
6. Your e-mail will be registered in a queue in the order received.
7. Following e-mails will be excluded from the registration: 1) e-mails not sent according to the instructions in points 2 and 3, 2) e-mails without attachments in point 4, 3) e-mails containing requests for registration of more than one person, 4) e-mails sent by one applicant more than once, 5) e-mails sent to a different e-mail address than in point 1, 6) e-mails containing attachments exceeding 10 MB, 7) e-mails sent outside of the time specification given above.
8. Wait for an e-mail confirmation. The consulate will inform you whether the appointment was granted within 7 days.
9. Once confirmed, the appointment cannot be rescheduled. If you fail to arrive, you lose your appointment. If you arrive late without notifying us, you lose your appointment as well – the consulate will provide services to those applicants who arrive on time.**
Number of employee card applications accepted: May – June: 17 per month.
Electronic registration contains a random element. In the event of successful registration, the applicant will be notified of the specific date of application by email sent to the contact email address provided in the order. The dappointment is fixed and cannot be changed under any circumstances.
Czechia accepts long-term visa a residence permit applications for employment primarily through targeted economic migration programs and applies quotas.
* The istanbul.employment@mzv.gov.cz e-mail address is dedicated to appointment scheduling only and does not serve for general communication or queries.
** Do inform us if you cannot keep your appointment. If you do not keep your appointment, reschedule a new one according to the instructions above.