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Czech language within your reach!

Czech language within your reach!

Check out the possibilities: below/more Institut for Language and Preparatory Studies Charles University "UJOP Summer School" Apply now! more ►

Zátopek in Istanbul!

Zátopek v Istanbulu!

Come and see David Ondříček's award-winning movie about the legendary Czech athlete. Screened at the Beyoğlu Film Festival on Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 7 p.m. In Czech and English with Turkish subtitles. more ►

The Franz Kafka exhibition in Istanbul has opened!

Franz Kafka Exhibition in Istanbul

You can visit it at the Beyoglu Municipality Gallery (6. Daire Sanat Galerisi, T.C. Beyoğlu Belediyesi Başkanlik Binasi) until November 30, 2024. We wish visitors an inspiring experience of the work and legacy of this influential author. more ►

The exhibition dedicated to Franz Kafka is officially open!

Obraz Franz Kafka

You can visit it in the Beyoglu Village Gallery (6. Daire Sanat Galerisi, T.C. Beyoglu Belediyesi Baskanli Binasi) until November 30, 2024. We thank the honorable Mayor of Beyoglu and his team for organizing this exhibition with the Czech… more ►

Minister Lipavský Met with His Counterpart Fidan in Ankara

Ministr Lipavsky v Ankaře

Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavský visited the Turkish capital on Tuesday 25 June 2024. He opened the programme by paying tribute to the memory of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. He then held talks with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan. They… more ►

Czech-Turkish venture in the field of combating climate change

Ecoone Europe

The Czech company ECOONE EUROPE, s.r.o. has acquired a strategic investor and partner for its own production of atmospheric water generators (AWG) in Türkiye. This is a unique transfer of know-how, Czech technology and scientific research, with… more ►

Children´s Day in Koç School

Children´s Day in Koç School

The Koç School in Istanbul is doing an amazing job in raising the future generations to be value-conscious, open-minded, responsible, joyful and active part of the society. Being the first Consul General to meet their students was so delightful.… more ►

Czech Food Festival in Istanbul - Cancelled today !

Czech Food Festival in Istanbul - Cancelled today !

Sorry, we have no more Czech food to offer you today. We thank all the guests who joined us and enjoyed the first ever Czech Food Festival in Istanbul with us. See you next time! more ►

Summer School of Slavonic (Czech) Studies 2024 - Offer

Masaryk University in Brno

Traditional summer intensive course of Czech language - Summer School of Slavonic (Czech) Studies the 57th edition of which takes place from July 20 to August 17, 2024 at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno. more ►

Czech Food Festival in Istanbul!

Food Festival Plakát

Do you like Czech traditional food? Or you don´t know it but want to taste it? You will have a chance to enjoy it next week on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (April 18 - 20) at Midpoint Nişantaşi between 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. more ►

Eastern holiday


Please be informed that from 29th March to 1st April 2024 (inclusive), the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Istanbul will be closed for the Easter holiday. Thank you for your understanding, and we wish you a joyful Easter! more ►

Meeting with students of Marmara University Legal and Economic Club

Meeting with students of Marmara University Legal and Economic Club

The students of Marmara University Law and Economics Club were eager to discuss concrete possibilities of further strengthening political, economic, cultural and academic ties between Czech Republic and Türkiye. They are very well aware of the… more ►

Meeting with students from Galatasaray University

Students from Galatasaray University

Meeting Turkish students is always gratifying. The students of Galatasaray University International Law and Diplomacy Club are incredibly smart, kind and perceptive and pure joy to talk to about foreign policy, currents affairs and rule of law.… more ►

Meeting with students from Istanbul Kent University

Setkání se studenty Istanbul KENT UNI

Young, keen and motivated, they are perfectly aware of the important work ahead of them in their future roles in international law and international relations. We will be in good hands. more ►

Czechia’s 25 years in NATO – together with Türkiye

Članek ministra Lipavského v Hurriyet

Today, the prominent Turkish daily Hürriyet published an online article by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Mr. Jan Lipavský, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Czech Republic's accession to NATO: more ►

Meeting with students from Istanbul Aydin University.

Setkání se studenty from Aydin University

Happy to keep meeting my future Turkish colleagues, this time the students from Istanbul Aydin University. Our sincere mutual interest in getting to know each other´s country and deepen our understanding and ties is so encouraging and… more ►

Meeting with students from the Faculty of Law of Istanbul University

Foto with students from the Faculty of Law

Delightful meeting the open-minded and positively inquisitive students of the Istanbul University Faculty of Law. Wishing them every success in their studies and professional careers. Looking forward to our future encounters when they join the… more ►


Martin Brunner, Piano

Martin Brunner - Czech Republic Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Istanbul more ►

Czechia has a new president

Czechia has a new president – Petr Pavel, a former army general who has extensive experience in the military and international relations. President Pavel's inauguration ceremony took place on 9th March 2023, marking the start of his… more ►

Jiří Čistecký, Consul General of the Czech Republic in Istanbul, recevied the members of ILSA Istanbul (Istanbul University Faculty of Law, International Law Club) in the Consulate General building.

ILSA students

Jiří Čistecký, Consul General of the Czech Republic in Istanbul, recevied the members of ILSA Istanbul (Istanbul University Faculty of Law, International Law Club) in the Consulate General building. The students, who were informed about the… more ►

Statement on the Occasion of Human Rights Day

Human Rights Day

On 10 December, every year, we commemorate the international Human Rights Day as we mark the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The objective of the declaration was to ensure universal recognition and preservation of human… more ►

Turkey investment strategies

Investice - česká koruna

Turkey has received more than $ 225 billion in foreign direct investment since 2003, but the share of foreign direct investment in Turkey has fallen sharply over the past five years. New strategy of Turkish government aims to substantially… more ►

Turkish defense industry - an opportunity for Czech companies

investice v CR

The Turkish defense industry has developed significantly over the last decade. Back in 2010, only one Turkish company was on the list of the world's 100 most important companies operating in the defense industry. 10 years later, their number has… more ►

Announcment - Emergency measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Varování - symbol

On 10 March 2020, the Minister of Health issued an emergency measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the Czech Republic. This measure applies to foreigners who do not have permanent or temporary residence in the Czech Republic or do not… more ►

Important notice of the Consulate General

Varování - symbol

Actual information on situation of coronavirus can be found at official webside of the Ministry of Foreighn Affairs and Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic : more ►