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Registration to apply for a long-term visa/residence permits

An application for a long-term visa/residence permits at the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Istanbul can only be submitted based on proper email registration at the email address istanbul.visa@mzv.gov.cz.
Otherwise, the application will be declared inadmissible.
Based on the correct information, you will receive an e-mail with the date, time and address of the place of submission of the application.

How the email order must look like


Part 1 (Subject of e-mail): enter only one of the possible purposes of stay, first and last name


 Visa for a stay of more than 90 days (long-term):


    Extraordinary work visa

    Seasonal employment







Long-term residence permit:



    Scientific research

    Family reunification


    Blue card

    Internally transferred employee card

    Card of an internally transferred employee of another member state of the European Union

    Bridging label

Part 2 (E-mail text) - the following information must be included in the e-mail text:


Surname and first name (in Latin, exactly according to the applicant's passport)


· Birthdate


· Number of travel document


· Contact phone


· Contact e-mail

Part 3 (e-mail attachments): in the e-mail attachments, the applicant must attach attachments in pdf format (links to attachments located in cloud storages are not accepted):


· A copy of the data page of your travel document with personal data and photo


· A copy of a document proving the purpose of the stay - e.g. hosting agreement (scientific stay), proof of admission to study (study), extract from the trade or commercial register (business), registry document and a document proving the legality of a family member's stay in the Czech Republic (family) etc.


· Holder of a travel document of the Republic of Turkey: document regarding the place of residence (permanent residence) and other addresses within the consular district of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Istanbul (Yerleşim yeri (ikametgah) in adas adres belgesi)


· Holder of a travel document not issued by the Republic of Turkey: Residence Permit (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Ikamet İzni)

The request will not be accepted in the following cases:


· The applicant does not state the purpose of the stay in the subject


· The applicant does not provide all the required information in the text of the e-mail


· The applicant does not attach both required attachments, or the attachments will be in a format other than pdf


· The applicant saves the attachments to cloud storage and only includes links to them in the e-mail


· The data in the body of the e-mail will differ from the data in the attachments


· The request will be for more than one applicant (exception - minor children applying simultaneously with their legal representative - see below)


An exception is the situation when the application for a residence permit is submitted by the applicant and his/her minor child/children at the same time (only for the purpose of family/family reunification). In such a case, the applicant sends one e-mail, in the text of which he provides the required information about himself and his minor child/children, and attaches a copy of the data page of his travel document and the travel document of his child/children and copies of documents proving the purpose of the applicant's stay in the attachments and the purpose of his child/children's stay. If the child is registered in the applicant's travel document, this must be stated in the text of the e-mail and a copy of the page in the applicant's passport that contains information about the child/children must be attached to the attachment. In these cases, it is not necessary for such minors to indicate another purpose of stay in the email header.

Dates are assigned strictly chronologically in order of delivery of orders to the istanbul.visa@mzv.gov.cz e-mail box


Neither the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic nor the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Istanbul interferes in the order of applicants in any way. Neither the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic nor the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Istanbul will respond to requests to change the deadline for receiving applications for residence permits. If the applicant does not appear on the set date, he must apply for a new date in the standard way described above.

The rule applies: one e-mail = one applicant, orders for multiple people in one e-mail are also not accepted.



Local Jurisdiction Rules


Please note that when registering, applicants are required to respect the rules of local jurisdiction as determined by the territorial districts of embassies for the purposes of submitting applications for residence permits.