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Registration to apply for an employee card

Registration for employee cards is possible only at the e-mail address istanbul.employment@mzv.gov.cz. Applications for other types of residence permits, including blue cards and seasonal employment, should be sent to the email: istanbul.visa@mzv.gov.cz

Applications for employment cards can only be submitted via the e-mail address istanbul.employment@mzv.gov.cz. Registration for an employee card sent to another email address will not be accepted.
ONLY the unique passport number of the applicant needs to be included in the subject line of the e-mail sent.

The possibility to register for September and October 2024 is from 30/08/2024 from 9:00 to 15:00 (local Turkish time).
Submission dates for valid applications will be determined subsequently in the range of 3 to 5 working days (the dates will be approximately in the range of 3-7 weeks from the date of registration) with notification by email.

The quota for this part of the registration is 32 applications (16 in September and 16 in October).

What the email order must look like:

Part 1 (Subject of e-mail): enter only the number of your travel document

Part 2 (E-mail text) - the following information must be included in the e-mail text:
Surname and first name (in Latin, exactly according to the applicant's passport)
· Birthdate
· Number of travel document
· Contact phone
· Contact e-mail

Part 3 (e-mail attachments): in the e-mail attachments, the applicant must attach attachments in pdf format (links to attachments located in cloud storages are not accepted):
· a copy of the data page of your travel document with your personal details and photo
· a copy of a document proving the purpose of the stay - e.g. employment contract, future contract, etc.
· holder of a travel document of the Republic of Turkey: document regarding the place of residence (permanent residence) and other addresses within the consular district of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Istanbul (Yerleşim yeri (ikametgah) in adas       adres belgesi)
· holder of a travel document not issued by the Republic of Turkey: Residence Permit (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Ikamet İzni)

Applications will be processed chronologically according to the time of their receipt. Requests received before capacity will be answered by automated email and then processed within 7 days. Applications that meet all the requirements received above the capacity limit will receive an automatic reply about this fact and the date will not be assigned to them due to the capacity being filled.
The assigned dates are immutable.

For e-mails that will have information other than the passport number in the subject of the message and for e-mails that will be delivered to the istanbul.employment@mzv.gov.cz e-mail box before the start of the order (i.e. before the specified day and time) and multiple emails sent by one applicant will not be considered and will be considered invalid.

Each applicant can only send 1 email. If one applicant sends multiple e-mails on a given date, he/she will be automatically excluded from this ordering date, even if the e-mails are sent from multiple e-mail addresses. Notification of rejection will be sent only to the first detected duplicate e-mail of the applicant. In the event that it is established that the applicant has already submitted an application for a long-term visa or long-term/permanent residence in the past months and this application is pending, his e-mail will also be excluded from further processing and considered invalid.

Thank you for your understanding.