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How to find us

The Embassy is located at Paleisstraat No.4 in the centre of the Hague in close neighbourhood of the Noordeinde Royal Palace.

Embassy of the Czech Republic
Paleisstraat 4
2514 JA Den Haag
The Netherlands
Telephone: 00-31 (0)70 313 00 31

More about the history of the building: http://www.mzv.cz/jnp/cz/o_ministerstvu/budovy_architektura/nase_budovy_v_zahranici/nizozemsko_zprava_pamatkoveho_uradu_o.html

Telephone: 00-31 (0)70 313 00 11 



Consular Section:

contact information


Commercial Section:
Telephone: 00-31 (0)70 313 00 14


Working hours of the Embassy (reachable by phone):
Monday - Friday, 8:30 - 17:00 h


Czech National and other holidays (the Embassy is closed):

  • 1 January - Day of the Formation of the Czech Republic (1993)

  • Good Friday

  • Easter Monday

  • 1 May - Labour Day

  • 8 May - Liberation Day (Liberation of Czechoslovakia from the Nazi Occupation, 1945)

  • 5 July - St. Constantin and St. Methodius Day (Commemoration of the arrival of the first Christian missionaries to the Czech Lands, second half of the 9th century

  • 6 July - Jan Hus Day (Commemoration of the Catholic Church reformer)

  • 28 September - St. Wenceslas Day, Celebration of the patron of the Czech State

  • 28 October, National Day, Day of the Formation of the Independent Czechoslovak State (1918)

  • 17 November, Freedom and Democracy Day (Commemoration of student-led anti-Nazi demonstrations of 1939 and start of anti-Communist demonstrations in 1989)

  • 24 December - Christmas Eve

  • 25 and 26 December - Christmas Holidays

How to get to the Embassy

The Embassy is located at Paleisstraat No.4 in the centre of the town in close neighbourhood of the Noordeinde Royal Palace.