Partnership between Zlin and Groningen
15.06.2018 / 18:21 | Aktualizováno: 24.07.2018 / 14:58
The delegation of the city of Zlín visited the Netherlands from 10 to 13 June 2018. The Czech delegation met with the Czech Ambassador Jana Reinišová.
Relationship between Zlin and Groningen started in 1990. The cooperation is focused from the same beginning on the field of sharing experience in the city administration, support of contacts among various institutions and associations, entrepreneurs or citizens themselves.
Czech-Dutch partnership (Zlin – Groningen) is currently focusing on a project between cities (International Talent Program) and an education project (Strengthening the individual skills of a child). Zlín is very interested in closer cooperation with Groningen. New opportunities for cooperation are seen especially in the social field, care for the elderly people and the care of socially needed children.
More than fifty Czech-Dutch partnerships are on the basis of twinnings or special relationships between towns and cities.
At present, there are more than fifty Czech-Dutch partnerships on the basis of twinning’s or special relationships between towns and cities and one partnership on a regional basis. In many cases, this cooperation is very spontaneous and intensive. It involves various activities in the field of culture, education, sports, tourism and also cooperation aimed at the improvement of infrastructure and social facilities of Czech towns.
This cooperation is further strengthened by two umbrella associations: Union of Town and Communities of the Czech Republic (Svaz měst a obcí ČR, or and Association of Dutch Municipalities (Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten).