Screening of the film "Burning Bush"
,29.01.2014 / 10:45 | Aktualizováno:

The Czech Embassy in Copenhagen in cooperation with Husets Biograf on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the self-immolation of Jan Palach arranged a screening of the film „Burning Bush“. more ►
Screening of the movie "Wings of Fame"
,12.12.2013 / 09:30 | Aktualizováno:

On 11 December 2013 the Czech Embassy in Copenhagen in cooperation with Husets Biograf arranged the screening of the movie „Wings of Fame„ by Otakar Votoček, Czech director in exile. The film was to be shown on the occasion of the director´s… more ►
The Czech film „The Great Night“ at CPH:DOX 2013
,15.11.2013 / 11:48 | Aktualizováno:

From 7 to 17 November 2013 CPH:DOX - Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival took place. For the third time in a row a Czech movie was chosen for the festival´s main competition DOX:AWARD. This year the movie „The Great Night“ by… more ►
Screening of the movie „Who Wants to Kill Jessie?“
,07.11.2013 / 09:30 | Aktualizováno:

On 6 November 2013 the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen and Husets Biograf arranged another movie night. This time we prepared the Czech classic „Who Wants to Kill Jessie?“ by director Václav Vorlíček. The author of the illustrations… more ►
Screening of the documentary „Solar Eclipse“
,03.10.2013 / 17:42 | Aktualizováno:

On 2 October 2013 the Czech Embassy in Copenhagen launched a new film season in Husets Biograf with the screening of the documentary „Solar Eclipse“ by the director Martin Mareček. The movie was awarded three times at The Jihlava International… more ►
Screening of the movie "Year of Mari©huana"
,30.05.2013 / 10:00 | Aktualizováno:

On 29 May 2013 we arranged the last movie evening in Husets Biograf before the summer holidays. This time we screened the documentary "Year of Mari©huana" by the director Petr Slabý. more ►
"A Year Without Magor: Genius Cannot Be Faked " in Husets Biograf
,01.05.2013 / 14:41 | Aktualizováno:

On 30 April 2013 the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen and Husets Biograf arranged another movie night. more ►
Screening of the movie "Theatre Svoboda"
,27.03.2013 / 12:30 | Aktualizováno:

On 26 March 2013 the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen and Husets Biograf arranged a screening of the movie "Theatre Svoboda" by Jakub Hejna. more ►
Czech Classics In Husets Biograf
,14.03.2013 / 09:00 | Aktualizováno:

Movie night on Wednesday 13 March 2013 in Husets Biograf, dedicated to one of the most outstanding Czech directors Vojtěch Jasný. more ►
Screening of the movie "Jan Saudek: Trapped by His Passions, No Hope for Rescue"
,27.02.2013 / 09:00 | Aktualizováno:

On 26 February 2013 The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen in cooperation with Husets Biograf arranged a screening of the movie "Jan Saudek: Trapped by his passions, no hope for rescue" by Adolf Zika. more ►