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Registration in Election Specific Registry at the Consulate General in Chicago

If the Czech citizen is long-term resident abroad, he/she can apply for registration in the Election Specific Registry kept by our Consulate. The application can be written in Czech Language by hand freely or you can use our Application form (please see below).You also have to provide us with the original or certified copies of documents confirming the identity and citizenship of the Czech Republic (Identity Card or Czech Republic Passport) or with the proof of residence in the territory under the jurisdiction of Consulate General in Chicago (in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin).

The application must be delivered or forwarded to the Consulate no later than 40 days before the Election Day.

In the case of personal visit at the Consulate you can submit request for registration to the Consular Office, always during open hours.

ATTENTION! Your registration within the Election Specific Registry automatically deletes you from the Permanent List of Voters in the Czech Republic. If you ever need to vote in the Czech Republic, you must first ask our Consulate to be removed from the Election Specific Registry.

Application form for the registration


Zadost_o_zapis_do_ZSV_1 47 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Nov 7, 2012