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The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Chicago requires all applicants to register prior to visiting the office. Appointment can be made by calling 312-861-1037, ext.  108 or via email Chicago.Consular.Section@mzv.gov.cz


we do not translate documents but we verify them. Contacts for translators can be found here.

Czech Consul in the USA has a right to verify authenticity of translation (according to Section 30, Paragraph 1 (f) of the Bilateral Treaty with the USA No. 28/1988 Coll.). You can apply for verification personally at the Czech Consulate or to send your request by mail.

1. complete and sign the request for translation of document

2. original of translated document

If  document is specified for Vital Records Office or other office in the Czech Republic it has to be certified by Apostille (Department of State). Apostille can be recognized that contains title APOSTILLE and underneath is written in parentheses (Convention de La Haye du 5 Octobre 1961), i.e. reference to the Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents. Public foreign documents certified by Apostille are accepted in more than 80 countries nowadays.

3. translation in paper form

Original of translated document has to be printed out or typed on typewriter. Translated document in the czech language has to contain czech diacritic marks and all mentioned enclosures. It has to have all information such as numbers, codes, etc. Dry seals on original document have to be translated as note of translator.

Note of translator is written in italic and  parenthesis. Translated document should be lined at the top and bortím of each page. The beginning of translated document should be mark as   Translation from the Czech language (Překlad z angličtiny) and the end End of translation (Konec překladu)

4. translation on floppy disk or CD

We use the Microsoft Office (Word).Enclosing floppy disk or CD is not mandatory but we recommend it. Our experience is that there are often small mistakes in translation and it is convenient to correct them and print it out again in our office, than to send it to you back for your correction. If you do not require to make any changes in translation do not send floppy disk or CD. In some cases you can send it by e-mail.

5. fee

We only accept money order or cash. Personal or business checks and credit cards are NOT accepted. For exact Consular Fee CLICK HERE

a) 151c - verification of translation or 151d - verification of translation for Vital Records Office in Brno;

b) if you wish to send original document back, we will make notarized copy 151a - notarized copy or 151b - notarized copy for Vital Records Office in Brno.

6. prepaid envelope

Please enclose a pre-paid, self-addressed, over-night envelope if you would like your documents to be returned to you by mail. We only accept USPS mail service - EXPRESS MAIL only (the postage is $22.95 - for more information please visit USPS). The Consulate General is not responsible for lost or damaged documentation

Send the documents to:

Consulate General of the Czech Republic
Consular Section
205 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1680
Chicago, IL 60601

7. in case of applying by mail we request you to enclose a copy of your ID (passport, personal ID or driver’s licence).

Verification of translation is certified on translated document in a form of verification clause. Translated document and original document or notarized copy are stapled together, labeled and stamped by official steal

 Verification clause contains following information about:

  • language of original document
  • language of translated document
  • translated document is made by applicant
  • translated document is made according to original document

It has to contain reference number, date and place of verification of translation and consular fee in USD. Clause is signed by Consul along with Consul’s name, surname, title and function. It has to be stamped by offical steal otherwise it is not valid.

Verification clause is alway in czech language. If translated document is not meant for use in the Czech Republic and it is requested by applicant, verification clause can be bilingual.

Consul is not allowed to verify translation if there is addition written in hand or any changes, insertion or crossing.that could lower authenticity. Consul is not allowed to verify translation if:

  • it is not possible to judge that document is credible and reliable
  • it is obvious that contect of document could break law of the Czech Republic or the USA
  • it could evades low with its purpose
  • it is against good moral.

Section 39 of the Civil Code 40/1964 Coll. and Section 53, Paragraph l (a) of the Notarial Act No. 358/1992 Coll. by course of the Vienna Convetion on Consular Relations 32/1969 Coll. would be broken and as a result Consul would commit crime of fals interpretation according to Section 175 (a) of the Code of Criminal Procedure 140/1961 Coll.



_192635_14922_Zadost_o_overeni_spravnosti_prekladu_1 34 KB DOC (Word document) Mar 18, 2009