Český dirigent Jakub Hrůša v Chicagu
28.04.2023 / 23:45 | Aktualizováno: 02.05.2023 / 23:34
Zveme vás na koncert českého dirigenta Jakuba Hrůši, který bude řídit Chicagský Symfonický orchestr ve dnech 8. – 10. června 2023 v Symphony Center. Na programu bude Mahlerova 9. symfonie.
Jakub Hrůša
Born in the Czech Republic, Jakub Hrůša is chief conductor of the Bamberg Symphony, principal guest conductor of the Philharmonia Orchestra and principal guest conductor of the Czech Philharmonic.
To learn more about conductor Hrůša please visit: Hrůša, Jakub | Chicago Symphony Orchestra (cso.org)
Mahler 9
Mahler “peacefully bids farewell to the world” is how the composer’s protégé Bruno Walter described the finale to his Ninth Symphony. This valedictory score contains the many hallmarks of Mahler’s symphonies — their grand scale, profound emotions and folk dance themes — capped by an ethereal finale that achieves a sense of transcendent rapture.
Using promo code HRUSA you’ll receive 20% off your ticket order to the performances. Tickets can be ordered using this link and note that the ticket promo will be applied once you press “ORDER NOW” and proceed to your cart.