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Economy and trade


Visegrad Fund

Top disruptive young teams and companies from Azerbaijan can now pop on international investment stages like Warsaw, Prague, Budapest and Bratislava. It is all thanks to V4-Azerbaijan Tech Bridge, a new, 1,5-year long program for training… more ►

Czech Anti-Covid Innovative Products


The attached list approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic includes a variety of Czech products useful for the purpose of preventing the spread of COVID-19 as well as in the treatment of those infected. more ►

The New SKODA Showroom and Service Centre opens in Baku


Fans of the SKODA made cars together with other Azerbaijan’s car enthusiasts have gathered on 24th May 2019 to celebrate the opening of new showroom of this famous Czech manufacturer in Baku. The SKAZ Autohouse Company – the… more ►

Looking back at 2017 – press conference of the Czech Ambassador

Following-up on successful tradition from the last years the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Azerbaijan organized a press conference, where the journalists from leading Azerbaijani media outlets had the opportunity to acquainted themselves with… more ►

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