Visegrad Internet Policymakers in Washington
11.12.2015 / 18:30 | Aktualizováno: 23.12.2015 / 18:51
On December 1-3, 2015, the Embassy of the Czech Republic organized a three-day visit of Internet policymakers and telecommunications regulatory authorities from the countries of the V4 (Visegrad) Group. V4 comprises four Central European countries - Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia (with the Czech Republic serving as current presidency) – working together on many economic and foreign policy related issues. The Czech Republic was represented by Jaromír Novák, Chairman of the Czech Telecommunication Office.
The V4 Group met with representatives of federal agencies (Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, representatives of the U.S. Department of Commerce - NTIA), private companies (AT&T, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Netflix etc.) and industry associations (ICANN, Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, Internet Association, Telecommunications Industry Association).
Among the issues that were discussed, special attention was paid to Net neutrality, spectrum management, Internet governance and Internet infrastructure. Current developments related to transatlantic data flows, EU initiatives, the Digital Single Market, and the Telecom Single Market were discussed as well.