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Welcome to the web presentation of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Warsaw. Please be informed that the main languages of our web presentation are Polish and Czech. The English presentation contains only the basic up-to-date information that might be found after clicking on the respective sidebar section.


With compliments


                      Embassy of the Czech Republic in Warsaw




International Visegrad Fund Information Week

International Visegrad Fund Information Week

On March 10-13, 2025, the International Visegrad Fund will be organizing the third edition of on-line info sessions called "The Spring Info Week" focusing on how to apply for funding. more ►

Statement of the MFA on the Solidarity Day with Belarus

MZV Černínský palác

The Czech Republic joins the International Day of Solidarity with Belarus, announced by the leader of the Belarusian opposition, Sviatlana Cichanouska, in the six months anniversary of the rigged presidential election. more ►

The Czech Republic introduces the electronic motorway vignettes

EDAZ logo

From January 1, 2021, the Czech Republic will adopt a system of electronic motorway vignettes, which will replace the existing physical coupons placed on the windshield of the vehicle. Sales of the e-vignettes for 2021 will begin on December 1,… more ►

Contacting of the Consular section (Consulate)

The Embassy of the Czech Republic announces that for the communication with the Consular section (Consulate) via electronic mail it is necessary to use the address consulate_warsaw@mzv.cz . more ►

Václav Havel Airport Prague - change of Check-in Process in 2020

The number of handled passengers at Václav Havel Airport Prague continues to grow every year and it is our duty to make sure the airport is up to the task by means of a gradual modernization. At the moment, the works on building a more modern… more ►

Selected traffic regulations for foreigners

Platform for Vize 0, Autoklub ČR and the Police of the Czech Republic created an information leaflet for foreign participants in traffic. It contains the basic regulations on traffic. The leaflet is available in electronic form, hard copies will… more ►