Skupina přátel ČR v japonském parlamentu
Velvyslanectví ČR v Tokiu si velmi váží výborné spolupráce s početnou Skupinou přátel České republiky v japonském parlamentu, která se skládá z poslanců, zastupujících obě komory parlamentu. Níže je k dispozici jmenný seznam.
Oslovení | Jméno | Příjmení | Funkce | Dolní/Horní komora | Politická strana |
Mr. | Hajime | FUNADA | předseda | House of Representatives | LDP |
Mr. | Fukushiro | NUKAGA | rada | House of Representatives | LDP |
Mr. | Shunichi | YAMAGUCHI | generální sekretář | House of Representatives | LDP |
Mr. | Koichiro | GENBA | House of Representatives | Ind. | |
Mr. | Hisayuki | FUJII | House of Representatives | LDP | |
Mr. | Tadahiko | ITO | House of Representatives | LDP | |
Mr. | Satoshi | FUJIMARU | House of Representatives | LDP | |
Mr. | Jin | MATSUBARA | House of Representatives | Ind. | |
Mr. | Hirofumi | RYU | House of Representatives | CDP | |
Mr. | Kiichiro | HATOYAMA | House of Representatives | DPFP | |
Mr. | Kosuke | SHIMONO | House of Representatives | CDP | |
Mrs. | Aiko | SHIMAJIRI | House of Representatives | LDP | |
Mr. | Masaki | HIRAIWA | House of Representatives | DPFP | |
Mr. | Yasushi | KATSUME | House of Representatives | LDP | |
Mr. | Yuichiro | WADA | House of Representatives | Ishin | |
Mr. | Hideaki | TAKAHASHI | House of Representatives | Ishin | |
Mr. | Sekio | MASUTA | House of Representatives | CDP | |
Mrs. | Kuniko | INOGUCHI | House of Councillors | LDP | |
Mr. | Yoshifumi | TSUGE | House of Councillors | LDP | |
Mr. | Shigeharu | AOYAMA | House of Councillors | LDP | |
Mr. | Hitoshi | ASADA | House of Councillors | Ishin | |
Mr. | Hideki | NIIZUMA | House of Councillors | Komeito |
LDP: Liberal Democratic Party of Japan
CDP: The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan
Ishin: Japan Innovation Party (Nippon Ishin no Kai)
DPFP: Democratic Party For the People
Ind.: Independent