Information for applicants from the West Bank and Gaza Strip
01.02.2020 / 16:45 | Aktualizováno: 12.06.2020 / 18:19
As of 15 February 2020, all new Schengen visa applications will only be accepted by an outsourcing agency VFS in Ramallah and processed via the Czech Embassy in Amman.
Schengen Visas
As of 15 February 2020, all new applications will only be accepted at an outsourcing agency in Ramallah and processed via the Czech Embassy in Amman.
The address of the outsourcing agency is: VFS Visa Application Centre, Madar Building, Al Kawthar Street, Al Balou, Ramallah.
Kindly note that only new version of Schengen visa application form can be used: Arabic and English form (pdf) or English form (MS Word)
Note: There are no changes regarding applications from residents in the Gaza Strip. They still need to arrange an appointment at the Czech Embassy in Cairo.
Long Term Visas
Applicants from the West Bank need to arrange an appointment at the Czech Embassy in Amman. For further details please kindly refer to the web pages of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Amman:
Note: There are no changes regarding applications from residents in the Gaza Strip. They still need to arrange an appointment at the Czech Embassy in Cairo.
Important notice:
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tel Aviv accepts applications from residents of East Jerusalem, holders of travel documents issued by the State of Israel.
Please note that Jordanian T passports are not recognized by the Czech Republic and therefore are not valid for the travel to its territory. Only machine readable passports are recognized by the Czech Republic. Jordanian passport holders can lodge their visa applications at the VFS office in Ramallah or at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Amman.