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Acquiring citizenship by declaration – as of January 1, 2014

This article will briefly describe several ways how to acquire Czech citizenship by declaration as outlined in the new Citizenship Act No. 186/2013 Coll. These situations can apply to former Czech citizens and people of Czech origin (countrymen) living in Israel.

For every type of declaration, documents issued by an authority in a country other than the Czech Republic (for example, the Israeli government) must be submitted, duly authenticated (in the case of Israeli documents, with apostille) with a verified translation into Czech language. Every declarer (person making the declaration) will fill-in a Personal Data Form (DOC, 32 KB).

The appropriate regional authority for accepting a declaration is determined by the last place of residence in the Czech Republic. If a declarer never resided in the Czech Republic the declarations are accepted by the Municipal Office in Prague 1. In Israel it is possible to submit a declaration with the Embassy which will then, in the term of 30days, forward the declaration with the accompanying documents to the appropriate regional authority.

Declaration according to section 31 – Former Citizens:

Czech citizenship can be acquired by declaration by a person who lost Czech or Czechoslovak citizenship before January 1, 2014. The exceptions to this include the loss of Czechoslovak citizenship by virtue of Constitutional Decree No. 33/1945 concerning the Czechoslovak citizenship of persons belonging to German and Hungarian minorities; the Treaty between the Czechoslovak Republic and the USSR concerning Transcarpathia; as well as Czechoslovak citizens who became (or would have become) citizens of the Slovak (Socialist) Republic on or after January 1, 1969 and have retained their Slovak citizenship to date. Children born during the period when the person was not a citizen of the Czech Republic cannot be included in the declaration.

Declaration according to section 32 – Citizens of Czechoslovakia but not of either the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic:

Czech citizenship can be acquired by declaration by a person who was as of 31.12.1992, a citizen of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic but was neither a citizen of the Czech Republic nor of the Slovak Republic. Declaration is not allowed for persons who are at the time of declaration a citizen of the Slovak Republic. A person who is a direct line descendant of a former citizen according to the preceding clause, can acquire Czech citizenship by declaration unless the person was a citizen of either the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic. Children are allowed to be included in the declaration.

Form Declaration according to section 32 including list of the required documents (DOC, 46 KB)

Declaration according to section 33 – only one parent is a Czech citizen:

Czech citizenship can be acquired by declaration by a person born between 1.10.1949 to 7.5.1969 outside the Czechoslovak Republic whose one parent was a Czechoslovak citizen and became (or would have become) a Czech citizen on January 1, 1969. These persons must submit their declarations before January 1, 2015. Children cannot be included in the declaration.

The declaration is a subject of the administrative fees according to entry 159b).

Actual consular fees are listed here

Please understand that the consular staff can not fill out the application forms for you. However, we will gladly come through the forms and help you answer questions you may have. You must bring filled out forms to the appointment.