Birth, marriage and death certificates
All vital events (i.e. birth, marriage, death) of Czech citizens are registered by the office of "Zvláštní matrika" in the city of Brno, Czech Republic. Applications for birth certificates, marriage certificates and death certificates can be submitted to this office directly or through our embassy.
To register a vital event taking place in Israel one must submit the appropriate Israeli vital statistics document, (1) with apostille and (2) translated into Czech language. The Israeli vital statistics document can be obtained from Ministry of the Interior (birth certificate) or Ministry of Religious Affairs (marriage certificate). The vital statistics document must then be legalized (with apostille) by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
To apply for a first copy of a birth certificate
- Proof of Czech citizenship of the applicant (the person being registered) - either (a) a certificate of Czech citizenship, (b) valid passport or (c) valid national ID card ("občanský průkaz"). Most applicants will not have any of these documents and so they first need to obtain a certificate of Czech citizenship;
- Proof of Czech citizenship of the applicant's parents - for applicants born after the year 1969, proof of citizenship of at least one parent suffices.
- Application form "Zápis o narození" (available for download Birth registration (RTF, 75 KB));
- Israeli birth certificate, with apostille and translated into Czech (see instructions above).
- Czech marriage certificate of the applicant's parents - if the parents were married in Israel and their marriage has not yet been registered in the Czech Republic, their Israeli (foreign) marriage certificate must be submitted, legalized and translated (see instructions above). Applicants born out of wedlock, if the mother is divorced, must submit her marriage certificate and Czech proof of the divorce with an official timestamp confirming when the divorce took effect (alternatively, a legally effective decision of the "Nejvyšší soud ČR" approbating the foreign divorce). If the mother of the applicant is a widow, a birth and death certificate of the husband must be submitted. If the mother is single or the parents of the applicant are not married, a form "Zápis o určení otcovství" and birth certificate of the mother must be submitted.
- If the applicant is a female, she will be registered (where possible) with the suffix "-ová" at the end of her last name. Applicants have an option to register the last name in a neutral form based on the application form "Zápis příjmení v nepřechýleném tvaru - narození" ( Child female first registration (DOC, 37 KB) Child female additional registration (DOC, 38 KB)Adult female first registration (DOC, 29 KB) Adult female additional registration (DOC, 34 KB)please make sure that you choose the correct form based on the applicant's date of birth).
- Aplication form "osobní údaje" (available for download Personal Data Form (DOC, 32 KB));
- Application fee - the issuance of the Czech vital statistics document is subject to a fee aprox. 34 ILS . All the fees are to be paid in the form of cash. Actual consular fees are listed here
Processing time: 3 - 5 months
To apply for a first copy of a marriage certificate
- Proof of Czech citizenship of both spouses, if both are Czech citizens - either (a) a certificate of Czech citizenship, (b) valid passport or (c) valid national ID card ("občanský průkaz"). If applicants do not have any of these, they must first obtain a certificate of Czech citizenship
- Application form Marriage registration (RTF, 77 KB);
- The Israeli/foreign marriage certificate, legalized and translated into Czech (see instructions above).
- Birth certificate of a spouse if he is a Czech citizen. In case a Czech party to the marriage enters it as a widow/-er it is necessary to submit a death certificate of his/her previous spouse. In case a party to the marriage enters it as a divorcee, a Czech divorce certificate from the previous marriage must be submitted (proof of the divorce with an official timestamp confirming when the divorce took effect; alternatively, a legally effective decision of the "Nejvyšší soud ČR" approbating the foreign divorce). All these documents must be authenticated for use in the Czech Republic and translated into Czech as outlined above;
- Facultatively an application to register the female name in its neutral form (without the suffix "-ová" at the end); the applicable forms called Zápis příjmení v nepřechýleném tvaru - manželství can be downloaded First registration male form of surname (DOC, 35 KB)Additional registration male for of surname after marriage (DOC, 37 KB)please make sure you are downloading the correct form based on the date of marriage);
- Application form osobní údaje (available for download Personal Data Form (DOC, 32 KB));
- Application fee - the issuance of the Czech vital statistics document is subject to a fee of aprox. 34 ILS. All the fees are to be paid in the form of cash. Actual consular fees are listed here
Processing time: 3 - 5 months
To apply for a first copy of a death certificate
- Proof of Czech citizenship of the deceased - either (a) a certificate of Czech citizenship not older than 1 year at the time of death, (b) passport valid at the time of death (c) valid national ID card ("občanský průkaz") valid at the time of death. If there is no such proof of citizenship, please contact the embassy first.
- Filled in form Death registration (RTF, 60 KB)
- Israeli/foreign death certificate issued by the civil vital statistics office (documents issued by funeral homes are not acceptable), authenticated for use abroad and translated into Czech (see above);
- Other documents if available - birth certificate of the deceased, marriage certificate of the deceased, valid Czech IDs, health insurance documents etc.
- Filled in form Personal Data Form (DOC, 32 KB) (please note that the applicant will have to prove his/her relationship to the deceased and/or other legal interest in registering the death in the Czech Republic);
Processing time: 3-5 months
Purpose of issue: In case you lost or damaged or require additional copy of a vital statistics document, you may apply for a "duplicate". By definition, duplicates may be issued only if the relevant vital event had been registered in the Czech Republic. You can apply for your own vital statistics documents or for other persons' documents (in the latter case a family relationship or legal interest must be proved).
- Form Žádost o vydání matričního dokladu Duplicat Duplicate (DOCX, 16 KB);
- Valid ID of applicant (passport, driver's license, občanský průkaz...);
- If applicant is different from the person appearing in the required document, proof of family relationship or legal interest must be submitted;
- Form osobní údaje (available Personal Data Form (DOC, 32 KB));
- A self-addressed prepaid envelope if you wish the document be mailed to your address.
Processing time: 5-10 weeks
Application fee: aprox. 51 ILS
Actual consular fees are listed here
Please understand that the consular staff can not fill out the application forms for you. However, we will gladly come through the forms and help you answer questions you may have. You must bring filled out forms to the appointment.