Israel Czech Republic Friendship Association
Chairman: Amnon Danzig
In 1948, shortly after the founding of the State of Israel, the Israel-Czechoslovak Friendship League was founded in Tel Aviv by Chanan Rosen, Artur Kraus (translator at the Czech Embassy in Tel Aviv), Dr. Chaim Kugel (a prominent Zionist), Chaim Patish and Max Brod. Its main goal was the further development of Czechoslovak-Israeli relations. They facilitated for example, Israel's participation in the planting of the rose garden in Lidice, Israeli participation in the Prague Spring Festival and the Karlovy Vary Film Festival. At the same time, they invited musical ensembles and groups of artists to Israel and organized tours from Israel to Czechoslovakia. The Society was active for 23 years, but in 1967 its activities were suspended.
Due to the political changes in Czechoslovakia, on 21 February 1990 its activities were resumed and the society was renamed the Israel-Czech-Slovak Friendship Association. At that time, the association was active even prior to the restablishment of official diplomatic relations. After the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, on 17 March 1993 it was renamed the Israeli Friends of the Czech Republic. Throughout its existence, the association has focused on organizing public events to bring the two countries closer together. These events are of a cultural nature (exhibitions in the Czech Republic and Israel, concerts mainly in Israel, cooperation in publishing activities), as well as commemorative (e.g., the 50th anniversary of the liberation of the Terezin ghetto, the first transport of Jews in Europe Ostrava - Nisko, etc.), educational (lectures, scientific symposia, documentary film screenings) and social (these events are always linked with a cultural performance).
The heart and soul of the Association for many years was the Honorary Chairman and Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic, Mr. Chanan Rozen. The Association has currently about 50 members, only some of them with Czechoslovak ´s roots (a person who pays membership fees is considered as a member of the Association. It is primarily focused on providing information about the Czech Republic to the people of Israel and vice versa.
Israel Czech Republic Friendship Association
Kibbutz Sarid 01, ISRAEL, 3658900
Phone: +972-3-963-0866
Website: www.czech-israel.com
Chairman of the Society: Amnon Danzig
E-mail: contact.icrfa@gmail.com