Applications concerning financial donations for Czech compatriot organizations in 2016
06.05.2015 / 17:41 | Aktualizováno: 06.05.2015 / 17:44
Compatriots Organizations, Friendship Associations, Societies of Bohemists and similar organizations operating in the State of Israel have as every year the possibility to submit to the Czech Embassy in Tel Aviv applications concerning financial donations for their projects. The applications for the year 2016 are to be submitted by 1 August 2015.
The application form is available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, where you can find also information about financial donations provided in the last years. We recommend to read the Rules on Providing the Financial Donations, where you can download a Form for Summary of Expenses from this Donation, which is to submit to the Embassy together with copies of the receipts concerning the expenses by 15 January of the next year.
By the providing financial donations the Ministry of Foreign Affairs prefer contributions concerning specific and traditional activities of compatriot organizations to investments in the building renovations. New registered organizations have to submit together with the application also a copy of the registration in the State of Israel and a copy of their charter.