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Permanent Residence Permit

The application for a permanent residence permit may be lodged at the Czech Economic and Cultural Office by a foreign national who complies with the below stated conditions:

a) has fulfilled 5 years of continuous stay in the Czech territory,

the above stated conditions may be waived in case of foreign nationals who submit the application:

b) for humanitarian reasons,

c) for other reasons of special consideration (such as Czech ancestry),

d) whose stay in the territory is in the interest of the Czech Republic,

e) who is a minor child or adult dependent on a foreign national who is staying in the Czech Republic on the basis of a permanent residence permit, if the reason for the application is family reunification.

The application for the permanent residence permit is conveyed for decision to the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic. The general processing time is 180 days. More information on the application requirements may be found at the website of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic.