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Double standards in product quality?

Milena Vicenová - 110602. Foto Diana Černáková

When the European Union „banned“ our favorite rum prior to May 1, 2004, I did not share the offence of the Friends of Božkov and sail boats. more ►

The Visegrad Four at Visegrad Castle


Date: 01 July 2011 - 02 July 2011  Venue: Visegrad, Hungary

At midnight on 1 July 2011, Hungary passed the Presidency of the Council of the EU on to Poland. At the same moment, the Czech Republic took over the one-year Presidency of the Visegrad Group. How will we… more ►

Helping Czech Science

Vicenová Milena - Foto Thierry Monasse

How much money are we willing to invest in our future? I mean an investment in science and research. more ►