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Social aspects of the road package

Business breakfast - Social aspects of the road package

On Monday March 27, the Czech Permanent Representation to the EU hosted a business breakfast dedicated to the social aspects of the road package. Dan Ťok, the Minister of Transport of the Czech Republic was among the speakers. more ►

V4 Round Table “Key challenges of the Automotive industry”


Date: 02 December 2014 - 03 December 2014  Venue: Brussels/Belgium

Visegrad Countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) rank among frontrunners in car manufacturing in Europe. The automotive industry is a significant factor of their economies in terms of GDP,… more ►

Photo Gallery: Czech Street Party 2014

Czech Street Party 2014

The eighth Czech Street Party in Brussels was organized by the Czech Permanent Representation to the EU and ten other Czech organizations and regional offices headed by the Representation of the City of Prague. more ►

Czech Prime Minister Sobotka in Brussels

premiér Sobotka s předsedou Evropské komise Barrosem

The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Bohuslav Sobotka paid a first visit to EU Institutions on 20th February 2014 shortly after winning the vote of confidence in the new elected Czech Parliament. more ►

„7 is the lucky number“


With these words welcomed Czech EU ambassador Martin Povejšil visitors of the Seventh Czech Street Party. more ►