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Admissibility of an application for a short time (Schengen) visa

1.The request was submitted within the time limit. Visa applications shall be submitted not earlier than six months and, in the case of seafarers, in the performance of their duties, not earlier than nine months, before the start of the intended visit and, as a general rule, no later than 15 calendar days before the start of the intended visit. In justified individual cases of urgency, the consulate or the central authorities may allow applications to be lodged later than 15 calendar days before the start of the envisaged visit.
2.The application shall contain the particulars referred to in Article 10(2). Article 3(b) (a) to (c) of the Visa Code When lodging an application, the applicant shall:
(a) submit an application form in accordance with Article 11 of the EC;
(b) present a travel document in accordance with Article 12 OF the EC;
(c) present a photograph in accordance with the standards laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1683/95 or, where the VIS becomes operational pursuant to Article 48 of the VIS Regulation, in accordance with the standards laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation;
(d) allow the taking of his or her fingerprints in accordance with Article 13, where that obligation applies to him/her;
(e) pay the visa fee in accordance with Article 16;
(f) provide supporting documents in accordance with Article 14 and Annex II;
(g) provide proof of sufficient and valid travel medical insurance in accordance with Article 15, where applicable.
3. The applicant's biometric data have been collected.
4. A visa fee has been paid.

Here you can find Visa codex in full version.

Each applicant whose visa application is refused, receives a written explanation that includes instructions regarding the appeal for the new consideration of the reasons why the application was refused.

The applicant has right to file a new application which has to be supported by all required documents. He/she can do so even immediately after refusal of his previous application. The applicant  has deadline 15 days to appeal.


Important notice: A Schengen visa does not guarantee the right of entry into a Schengen area. If entry is refused by immigration authorities, no claim to compension can be submitted.