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Invitation to the 3.annual Export Festival CZ 2015

We are happy to announce that Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic is taking part in the third annual Export Festival CZ 2015, which will take place between 17th – 18th June in Prague Congress Centre.

Lidská ruka

Lidská ruka

This event is under the patronage of Mr Minister Lubomír Zaorálek and within its programme we will be represented by the speech of Mr Deputy Minister Martin Tlapa.

This event is an informational, contacting and networking parade designed for Czech enterprises wishing to find partners abroad, as well as for the foreign enterprises interested to penetrate the Czech market or to find their partners among Czech enterprises. The event includes lectures’ programme, exposition section and an attractive accompanying programme and promises to listen to the presentations of speakers and visit the expositions of institutions and enterprises from 28 countries worldwide.

We are attaching the invitation as well as the programme of the event; you can find more information about it also on www.exportfestival.cz

Free tickets are to your disposal on your request on e-mail office@czechinno.cz

We are looking forward to meeting you at Festival!






Export Festival Programme 278 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Jun 1, 2015

Export Festival Invitation 268 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Jun 1, 2015