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Re-globalisation in the WTO

On 10-13 September 2024, the next edition of the Public Forum took place at the World Trade Organization (WTO) headquarters in Geneva under the theme "Re-globalization: better trade for a better world". In the Public Forum discussions, speakers often focused on promoting sustainable development, greater inclusion of marginalised groups, or the transition to a low-carbon economy involving developing countries. Interested parties can watch or at least listen to most of the panels from a recording.

The four days in the first half of September brought 138 panels with 640 speakers to the Public Forum, attended by 4,400 registered participants. The unifying theme was "Re-globalisation: Better Trade for a Better World". The aim was to show the general public during the panel discussions how international trade based on WTO rules can be more inclusive and how its benefits can reach more people. In this spirit, the different panels covered topical trade-related issues in the areas of sustainable development, environmental protection and climate policy, digital trade and services, or just inclusiveness, with a focus on greater inclusion of marginalised groups (from developing countries to SMEs to women). Speakers often included prominent names from the economic and international trade fields, a number of ministers, representatives of global companies, associations and SMEs, civil society, academia and WTO experts. Last but not least, the public forum served as a platform for the launch of a number of reports (e.g. the World Trade Report) and the launch of new initiatives (e.g. the Trade in Services for Development Initiative).

It is possible to watch, or in most cases at least listen to the recordings of almost all of the panels that took place (relevant links are available under the individual items of the Forum programme HERE) – below we attach links to a few panels worthy of attention:

  • Introduction of the World Trade Report (Panel 11);
  • Re-globalization: trade in a geopolitized world (Panel 36);
  • Opening keynote with Jason Furman (Panel 38).