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Photo: MZV ČR


Disarmament belongs among the key issues on the contemporary global security agenda. Various actors of international affairs engage with each other through bilateral and multilateral diplomacy in order to control and halt proliferation of weapons. In this regard Geneva, Vienna and New York are the main centers of the UN disarmament activities in the world.

Within the UN System the principal body for disarmament is the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) based in New York, USA.

The Geneva Branch of UNODA provides substantive and organizational support to a wide range of multilateral disarmament bodies and agreements including:

The Permanent Mission represents the Czech Republic at the Geneva Branch of UNODA while its aim is to foster cooperation and activities in various disarmament forums. Our priority is to implement objectives set out in existing agreements and to interact with other member states, international organizations, academia and relevant NGOs.