Standards to uphold human rights in the era of new technologies
21.10.2024 / 18:00 | Aktualizováno: 31.10.2024 / 15:46
The ITU Standards Assembly was held in New Delhi from 15-24 October. The Czech Republic co-organised an expert panel on the topic of linking human rights and standards for new digital technologies.
The panel was co-organised with France, the Dominican Republic, ITU, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the European Commission. The panel was attended by representatives of Nokia and Ericsson, the President of the African Telecommunication Union, the Director of International Affairs of the National Information Technology Agency of Ghana and a representative of the civil society organization Article 19. The meeting was inaugurated by the Deputy Director-General from the Indian Ministry of Communications P. Lal, together with the Deputy Director-General of ITU TSB B. Jamoussi, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to India E. Žigová and Head of Unit of DG CONNECT E. D. Gonzales. The discussion showed the positive attitude of the two European companies. They are particularly concerned about the further non-transparent development of generative and frontier AI models. African participants stressed the need for standards that protect vulnerable groups, ensure accessibility and protect against the misuse of standardisation for political purposes. Despite the fact that Africa remains a net importer of technologies, the global standards often do not take into account the local African cultural context. Both OHCHR and civil society representatives pointed out that if technologies meant to raise living standards they should automatically guarantee solid human rights protection as well. Participants agreed to continue the debate in another ITU setting in the near future.