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Cluster munitions

Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) entered into force in August 2010 - six months after its ratification by 30 States parties.

The Czech Republic ratified CCM in 2011 and it entered into force for the Czech Republic on 1 March 2012. Currently the Convention has 100 State parties and 19 signatory parties; however, key states with the biggest stockpile of cluster munitions (CM) have not joined the Convention. The CCM is an important tool of international humanitarian law, and together with the Ottawa Convention, creates a framework leading towards international disarmament and destruction of explosive remnants of wars.

State parties are obliged to remove CM from their arsenal and destroy existing stockpiles within 8 years of entry into force of the Convention for the given country. Areas contaminated with unexploded CM have to be cleared within 10 years. Furthermore, the Convention prohibits production and transfer of cluster munitions.  

Between the 7 and 11 September 2015 Dubrovnik, Croatia hosted the First Review Conference. The Review Conference, in order to enhance the implementation of the Convention, adopted the Dubrovnik Action Plan, a list of concrete steps for implementation. States also took a decision that Member State Parties shall meet annually to review the progress. The Sixth Meeting of State Parties will be held in Geneva between the 5 and 7 September 2016.

The Czech Republic, together with Switzerland, serves as a coordinator for the General Status and Operation of the Convention.


Our priority is to bolster the implementation and universalization of the CCM. The Czech Republic fulfilled its obligations with regard to the destruction of CM stockpiles well in advance. Other responsibilities (victim assistance, international cooperation or national reporting) are carried out continuously.