Quotas for the Economic Migration
31.10.2022 / 05:19 | Aktualizováno: 21.11.2022 / 05:58
The Czech Embassy in Manila informs that the Government of the Czech Republic decided to introduce quotas for the submitting of applications for the Employment Cards and for the Long-term Visas for the Purpose of Business by its Decree No. 321/2022 Coll. that comes into effect on October 19, 2022.
The main aim of the policy of the targeted economic migration is to strengthen inflow of the qualified employees from the selected countries into the Czech Republic.
For the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Manila it is the yearly quota of 2500 applications for Employment Cards, namely 2300 applications in the framework of the Program for the Qualified Workers and 100 applications for the other Employment Cards.
Other quota of 100 applications per year was set in the framework of the Program for the Highly Qualified Workers and the Program for the Key and Research Staff. The Highly Qualified Workers apply for Blue Cards, the Key and Research Staff apply for Blue Cards or Intra-Company Employee Transfer Cards or Long-term Visas for the Purpose of Business.
The above mentioned quotas are not to be exceeded that means the Embassy is not allowed to accept more applications then is set in the above mentioned Decree of the Government.
The method of the reserving the date to apply will be announced on the web page of the Embassy.