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Overview of the Offical Letters for Delivery

Overview of the official letters that could not be delivered to the visa applicants.

Official letters that the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Manila could not deliver to visa applicants by handing them over directly or by sending those using postal services or by any other appropriate way common in Philippines will be made public on this Official Announcement Board according to § 169b, section 4 of the Law No. 326/1999 Coll. On Residence of Foreigners in the Czech Republic.

According to the above mentioned regulation of the said Law No. 326/1999 Coll., the official letter is made public for 15 days on this Official Announcement Board of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Manila. On the fifteenth day the letter is considered delivered.

SURNAME First name č. j. Document Posted Delivered Attachment
TORIO Nazario OAM-4553-12/ZM-2024 Information 18.09.2024 03.10.2024 Torio-12 (PDF, 56 KB)
TORIO Nazario OAM-4553-14/ZM-2024 Notice 18.09.2024 03.10.2024 Torio-14 (PDF, 25 KB)
MESA Laster OAM-69932-14/ZM-2023 Resolution 07.10.2024