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IMPORTANT NOTICE - The new system of registration for appointments to submit the Employee Card applications outside the Qualified Employee Program - NEW DATE FOR REGISTRATION ON DECEMBER 8, 2023

In the framework of newly introduced system for registration for appointments outside the Qualified Employee Program the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Manila informs that a new registration for appointments outside the Qualified Employee Program is going to take place on Friday, December 8, 2023 in the VFS Global Visa Center. 

This coming registration will be processed for arranging appointments for application submission for the period of January – March 2024. The Embassy will inform in advance on this webpage of the next date of the registration (for the period April – June 2024 and any other coming quarters of a year).

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will draw, in the framework of a electronic draw system, 25 applicants out of the processed registrations, should the number of registration be higher than 25. The quota of 25 applicants per quarter is based on the decision of the Government of the Czech Republic for the yearly quotas of the Employee Cards applications outside the Qualified Employee Program. Only those registrations that fulfill the conditions set below will be admitted to the electronic draw.

  1. Registration will be processed on Friday December 8, 2023, from 8:00. We are advising to come at 8:00 am at the latest. 

  2. The applicant or the representative has to come in person to the visa centre VFS Global at 1st Floor, Ecoplaza Bldg., 2305 Chino Roces Ave Ext., 1231 Makati, Metro Manila.

  3. The applicant is allowed for one registration only.

  4. The representative is allowed to register only one applicant. Power of attorney must be presented.

  5. Applicant will present the ID (preferably passport) and a copy of the data page of the passport. The representative will submit the copy of the data page of the passport of the applicant, power of attorney and his/her own ID (preferably passport).

  6. The applicant will pay the fee of 1000,- CZK for the registration. The fee is collected in Philippine Peso. The fee is nonrefundable.

  7. The applicant will receive a receipt confirming payment of the registration fee. Aside from the unique number of receipt there will be also a unique registration number that will be assigned in the lottery. Paying the registration fee does not mean that the applicant can claim receiving the confirmed appointment.

  8. The Embassy will make public the information about the registration numbers drawn in the electronic draw system as soon as possible, at the latest on January 8, 2024 (very likely sooner though). The Embassy will also make public the registration numbers that were not successful in the lottery. There will be no other form of informing the applicants (by phone, by email or by any other way).

  9. Should the applicant not come to apply on the day of application, the Embassy will not provide any new appointment instead. No matter the reason.

The Embassy would like to underline that the registration on December 8, 2023 does not guarantee that an applicant will get an appointment to apply for the Employee Card. Out of the registered applicants, only 25 applicants will be drawn in the framework of the electronic draw quarterly. Those applicants will be informed via the webpage of the Embassy about the date of Employee Card submission.

Embassy further informs that the Employee Card application submission does not guarantee receiving the visa. The applications are decided by the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic.

The above mentioned system is in accordance with the article 169f of the law number 326/1999 Coll. on the Stay of Foreigners on the Territory of the Czech Republic and Resolutions of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic (for example resolution number Azs 153/2016 of May 30, 2017)