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Czech criminal history record

To apply for a Czech criminal history record, the applicants living within the jurisdiction of our Consulate may submit their application at our office in Los Angeles in person or may also submit their application by mail under the condition that their signature on the application form is notarized by a local notary public or by a Czech Honorary Consul (in this case the verification of the signature on the form is free).

If you apply for a Czech criminal history record for use in the U.S., do not forget to also apply for a Czech apostille if such procedure is required by U.S. authorities. The Consulate will forward the application to the competent authority in the Czech Republic. Currently the process takes approximately 2-3 months.


  1. application form (form rejstrik trestu (PDF, 57 KB) or Czech-English form rejstrik trestu EN (PDF, 220 KB))
  2. document of identity: valid passport, valid Czech national identity card (občanský průkaz), or valid U.S. driver's license
  3. one plain copy of the data page of the document of identity
    NOTE: Copy of the data page of the Czech passport, or the copy of both sides of the Czech national identity card, must include the text (handwritten or typed): "Souhlasím s pořízením kopie mého dokladu.", must be signed and dated by the applicant, or else the request will be returned as unacceptable.
  4. consular fee in cash in USD (item 162b and also 150e in case the Czech apostille is required)
  5. contact details form (form osobni udaje (PDF, 175 KB))
  6. in case you will not pick up the issued document in person, please, also provide a trackable prepaid self-addressed USPS Priority Mail Express envelope or prepaid self-addressed UPS envelope (we cannot accept FedEx or any other mailing company). The Consulate is not responsible for any loss in which case the applicant must deal directly with the mailing company.

NOTE: Incomplete applications will be automatically returned!