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budova GK Los Angeles

Registration to Vote Abroad

volby 2013

Czech diplomatic missions maintain special registers of voters who wish to vote at polling stations abroad. Registration in this special register abroad will result in removal from the voter register in the Czech Republic. Czech citizens… more ►

Czech Castle close to Prague for Sale

Czech Castle close to Prague for Sale

Czech Republic is offering the exceptional grounds of Štiřín Castle only 25 km from Prague for sale in an electronic auction. The 18th century baroque chateau is being offered including extensive grounds. more ►

Opening of the Exhibition: Watercolors by Tomas Prosek

Thomas Prasek

The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles is delighted to invite you to the opening of an exhibition of WATERCOLORS by Czech-American architect based in San Francisco, Thomas Prosek. The exhibition will be opened on February… more ►

Screening of the Czech dramedy "Our Lovely Pig Slaughter"


The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles in partnership with the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences in Los Angeles are delighted to invite you for a special screening of a Czech dramedy movie "Our Lovely Pig Slaughter… more ►

Graphic Novel Release Party: Sidonie


The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles in cooperation with the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences in Los Angeles is delighted to invite you to a release party and discussion of Sidonie graphic novel by Tereza Srbová… more ►

A Poetry Reading with James Ragan

Poetry Reading

Join us for a special Poetry Reading with James Ragan on December 19, 2024, at 7:00 PM at the Czech Consulate General in Los Angeles! James Ragan, the acclaimed American poet of Czechoslovak origin and close friend of the late Czech President… more ►