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EG: Exhibition of lithography by Elina Rantasuo and sculptures by Emma Rönnholm

Exhibition of two young Finnish female artists, Elina Rantasuo and Emma Rönnholm, was open at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Helsinki on 13 February 2014 as a part of the Embassy Gallery project. Curator of the exhibition Mr. Petr Rehor was awarded a silver commemorative medal of Jan Masaryk for the promotion of the good name of Czechia abroad.

The last exhibition of the two years´ existence of Embassy Gallery presents two Finnish female artists who both have an original way of seeing the reality. At the time when we are used to admire shining superficiality and to avoid the deeper meaning of art, both artists find the contents of their works in their experience of reality that art can express in the best way; that is human uncertainty in front of mystery and something unexplainable.

Elina Rantasuo captures in her lithography attraction of human mind to the boarder of cognizable and unknown. Some kind of fear from an unknown reality that can be captured by drawing a picture or giving a name to it. She does this very skilfully using the tools she has chosen herself. Her own handmade paper and black-and-white lithography create a picture which merges into a unit so that the technical skill looses it’s self-purpose and conveys a new view which enables to look straight into the secret meaning of the picture.

Emma Rönnholm approaches from the conceptual point of view the experience of reality, human attitude towards everyday objects. Emma uses objects which we do not notice because they are for example broken, old or they belong to so called disposable articles like yesterday´s newspaper. She finds new surprising meanings in them, she creates new "non-objects" from them and gives them names that we - people from the consumer society - know like a word "souvenirs". She refers to souvenirs that we buy on our trips, to products that were made perhaps in China but are sold in Venice or London and somehow oddly familiarly-sounding Italian expression "supramobile" classifies them as fakes. Emma Rönnholm asks a question about the origin of the objects and at the same time she asks about the origin of our feelings and the meaning of existence.

That is what we are, a part of nature, which does not give us hope because forgiveness is invented by ourselves.

Petr Rehor

Curator of the Gallery


Invitation 149 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Feb 14, 2014