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Seminar „The Meaning of 1918”

Společné století

On Thursday 29 November, this year's last event commemorating the 1918 anniversary took place. The Embassies and cultural institutes of the EU countries in Helsinki organized a historic Seminar "Meaning of 1918" at the University of Turku. more ►

Czech Films evenings in Jyväskylä

Czech Films in Jyväskylä

On October 15 and 16, you can visit screening of Miloš Forman films at the University of Jyväskylä. On Tuesday, Katariina Lilqvist, Director and puppet maker will be present. more ►

Exhibition of historical posters from 1918

Exhibition of historical posters from 1918

From 3 to 31 October 2018, at Eurooppasali (Representation of the European Commission, Malminkat 16, Helsinki) you can visit the exhibition of historical posters from 1918 from 14 different European countries. more ►

International Children´s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice 2019

Lidice logo

We invite all children to participate in The International Children’s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice (ICEFA Lidice). The theme of the 47 th year is CHEMISTRY and the deadline for sending art works is 15 February 2019. more ►

Children´s Day with TRANSTECH

Dětský den s TRANSTECH v Helsinkách

On Saturday, June 2, 2018, from 13:00 to 16:00, the Embassy in cooperation with the company TRANSTECH organized a Children's Day in the Sepänpusto Park in central Helsinki. more ►

Czech Day in Helsinki

Czech Day in Helsinki

The Czech Day in Helsinki was realized in connection with the celebration of the 100 year anniversary of establishment of Czechoslovakia. We started the celebration with an open air concert of Czech artists on the Esplanadi stage on Friday,… more ►

Czech and Finish Prime Ministers met in Helsinki

Návštěva premiéra Babiše v Helsinkách

Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Andrej Babiš met the Prime Minister of Finland Juha Sipilä and Minister of Foreign Affairs Timo Soini in Helsinki on Monday 21st May 2018. more ►

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