Czech-Finnish relations
08.01.2019 / 11:15 | Aktualizováno: 25.02.2021 / 12:18
Despite the fact that both states gained their independence only about 100 years ago, Czech-Finnish relations have a long history.
The Czech-Finnish relations date back to the end of the 14th century when also Finns were coming from the Nordic countries to study at Prague University. In 19th mutual contacts intensified due to national awakening movements in both countries.
Formation of independent Czechoslovakia and Finland in 20th century did not automatically bring an impulse for establishing diplomatic relations. The initiative for establishing diplomatic relations came from the Finnish side. The situation during the Second World War was from the point of view of mutual relations ambiguous and complicated. Diplomatic relations were renewed from the initiative of Finland in 1946.
The reform process in Czechoslovakia in 1968 brought about the more intensive interest of the Finnish public in the happenings in Czechoslovakia. The occupation of Czechoslovakia was a shock for Finland.
During the time of normalization President Kekkonen started an active period of bilateral relations. Between 1969-1975 there was a visit of high state or party representatives every year.
At the end of the 80´s the intensity of bilateral relations declined; the attention of the Finnish public and politicians was drawn only by the activity of anti-communist opposition and the collapse of the regime in November 1989. The mutual relations changed; there were more contacts on the official level as well as in everyday life. High level state visits took place in 1991, 2005, 2018 and 2019.