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​The new Czech President Petr Pavel takes office

Petr Pavel - inauguration

Czechia has a new president – Petr Pavel, a former army general who has extensive experience in the military and international relations. President Pavel's inauguration ceremony took place on 9th March 2023, marking the start of his… more ►

​Roundtable on assistance to Ukraine

Roundtable on assistance to Ukraine

On 23 February 2023, the Czech Embassy in Helsinki organized a roundtable on assistance to Ukraine after a year of successful defence against Russian aggression. The event was hosted by Czech Ambassador Adam Vojtěch and featured speeches by the… more ►

World Road Congress 2023 in Prague

XXVIIth World Road Congress 2023 in Prague

The XXVIIth World Road Congress will take place in Prague, Czechia from 2–6 October 2023. The theme of the PIARC Congress is “Prague 2023 – Together on the road again”. An apt theme given that the pandemic has kept us… more ►

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