Doing Business in the Czech Republic
Here you can find a list of useful links when looking for specific information about the Czech Republic, its economy, statistical indicators, and the like.
Economy, Statistics
- Czech Statistical Office (CZSO)
- Macroeconomic Analyses of the Ministry of Finance
- Czech National Bank
- Legislation (in Czech only) - Collection of Laws, ASPI
- Tradelinks
Trade Opportunities and Information
- CzechTrade - Government trade promotion agency
- Czech Business Web Portal
- Doing Business in the Czech Republic
- Inform Katalog
- Kompass CR
- Registry of Companies
- Finance and Insurance Export Guarantee and Insurance Corp.
- Export Bank
Selected Professional Associations
- Economic Chamber of the CR
- British Chamber of Commerce
- Brno Chamber of Commerce
- Regional Economic Chamber Ostrava
- Confederation of Industry of the CR
- Association of Textile, Clothing and Leather Manufacturers
- Association of Glass and Ceramics Industry
- Association of Advertising Agencies
- The Chamber of Tax Advisors
- Union of Accountants
- Chamber of Auditors
- Czech Management Association
- Automotive Industry Association
Fairs and Exhibitions
Investment Opportunities